“The Mosley Scholarship” was established in January 2022 by the parents of student Maurice Mosley. Maurice studied guitar lessons with Mr. Nick at the Harrison School of Music for several years. To show their appreciation for the gift of music given to Maurice by his instructor, The Mosley Family established a scholarship fund. This scholarship will help those students whose families are struggling to cover costs of the music tuition during a difficult period in their lives. The scholarship will keep music “alive”, so that the recipient(s) of “The Mosley Scholarship” will have the opportunity to continue music lessons.
The scholarship is by application only and will be reviewed by the Mosley family before the scholarship is awarded.
To apply for the scholarship, please download and complete the application .pdf below and return it to the Harrison School of Music office. The application will be forwarded to the Mosley Family, and their determination should come within one week of receipt.