Please click a link below to sign up for a recital time. In person performance slots are limited during each hour to keep the recitals to a manageable length. If a recital hour is full, you will be prompted to choose another recital time. A message that reads “Your Response Has Been Recorded” means your sign up submission was successful, as well as an email confirming your sign up.
Harrison School of Music Recital Sign Up Page
Saturday June 22nd, 2024
Harrison Veterans Building
Harrison, NY
Harrison Veterans Building
Harrison, NY
Teacher Recital Attendance:
Students are welcome to sign up for any recital time that is convenient for them. If you would like to attend a recital hour when your teacher is attending, please reference the list below before choosing a time.
9:30am – Santiago
10:30am – Chiwen
11:30am – Chiwen, Andrew, Cara
1:00pm – Andrew, Evan, Joseph
2:00pm – JJ, Molly, Andrew, Evan, Joseph
3:00pm – JJ, Molly, Evan, Graci, Wilfredo
4:00pm – Eun, JJ, Zoe, Evan, Holley, Mick, Colby, Wilfredo, Jada
5:00pm – Holley, Eun, Colby, Zoe, Mick